Member since March, 2013. Probably.
Job: Videographer/Marketer/Filmmaker/Object of your affections
Education: BFA in Film & Animation
Birthdate: February 19, 1990. A fact I often make abundantly clear.
Life Motto: "I'll think of something clever later."
Pet Peeve: Bad grammar and redundancy and bad grammar.
Special Powers: Every full moon I become Pat Sajak and record a month's worth of Wheel of Fortune episodes.
Outside Hobbies: Tomfoolery, writing sitcoms, and gallivanting. In that order.

Previous Improv or Acting Experience: Former member of Team Crossfire (Hope Lutheran Church), founding member of Catawampus (Aquinas Institute), like a million school plays, and the improv TV Series "Midtown".

How did you get into improv? I started off as a casual fan of the form, weaseled my way into a team at my church, started my own team at school so I could live out my fantasy as a dictator, and eventually ended up under the rule of a far more cruel leader. What goes around comes around.
Why you like being part of the Village Idiots? Because Swithun will bring out his whipping cane if I say anything bad about it. NO WAIT. I DIDN'T MEAN IT! PLEASE DON'T...
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